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This is a story about the struggle of an individual who strives to break free from imposed stereotypes and a conservative environment that disapproves of any decision that is not in line with traditional postulates. However, he continues his struggle, in an attempt to change the circumstances of his life and stop being an "Advocado". The protagonists of the TV show "Advocado" are Brana and Beli, two people who, in search of a better life, end up in unexpected situations that are both comical and absurd. The story explores the period of crazy changes, the crisis of morality and social standards which the protagonists have difficulties coping with.


Genre: Comedy
Production year: 2021
Produced by: RTS & BONO
Original Title: Advokado
Duration: 20x40'HD
Cast: Ljubomir Bandović, Nikola Kolja Pejaković, Branka Katić, Mira Banjac, Jasna Đuričić and Mirjana Karanović
Screenplay by: Nikola Pejaković
Directed by: Nikola Pejaković and Saša Hajduković

среда, 11. септембар 2024.
18° C


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