Thy Neighbour

In this television film the entire plot takes place in a single day.


From dawn to dusk and then to a new dawn, during 24 hours, the characters of this film will encounter their respective fates. The storyline revolves around a successful businessman from abroad, Hranislav, who comes to visit his teenage sweetheart, Stanislava. Their encounter is arranged by a young marriage couple and it will reveal all the beauty and tragedy of a life full of futile hopes and expectations, but also of unknown forces that shape it. At the same time, the screenwriter, Goran Petrovic, follows the fates of other prominent residents of a building that is a sort of a "Tower of Babel": the old Bozdar Gostiljac, the young and ambitious Jakov and the warrant officer Andrija Gavrovic. While some scores are settled and lines drawn, at the same time new relationships are formed, new loves and hopes are born. An encounter with an angel will change all of them. Nothing will ever be the same.


Genre: Drama

Country of production: Seriba

Year of production: 2008

Broadcaster: RTS


Director: Misko Milojevic

Cast: Miodrag Krivokapic, Milena Dravic, Bojana Stefanovic, Nebojsa Milovanovic, Djuza Stojiljkovic, Dragan Micanovic, Boro Stjepanovic, Tihomir Stanic...



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петак, 24. јануар 2025.
10° C


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