A Mark In Space - Village Today, Erstwhile A Town

Erstwhile a town, first mentioned in the written documents in the 3rd century...


Erstwhile a town, first mentioned in the written documents in the 3rd century as a Roman fort for the defense of the imperial road which led to the Middle East, today is just the village of Vrmdža, with many traces of turbulent history. It is located ten kilometres from Sokobanja. As opposed to many other deserted Serbian villages, which both the young and old have left, in Vrmdža, the village at the foot of Rtanj, not only that the number of habitants is not decreasing, but, in recent years, it has attracted numerous families and couples from all around Serbia, and even from abroad. Those who came here to stay most often say: "We were attracted by the beautiful nature, peace and quiet" and, also, many people came with the idea to revive this village and start a business in tourism at the same time. Many people we have spoken to just said: "We came here in order to give a new quality to our life. Someone may find that strange, but it is what it is. The heart has spoken, this is the best place for us and here we shall stay."


Genre: People & Places

Country of production: Serbia

Year of production: 2016

Broadcast channel: RTS

Duration: 30'



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Коментари који садрже вређање, непристојан говор, непроверене оптужбе, расну и националну мржњу као и нетолеранцију било какве врсте неће бити објављени. Говор мржње је забрањен на овом порталу. Коментари се морају односити на тему чланка. Предност ће имати коментари граматички и правописно исправно написани. Коментаре писане великим словима нећемо објављивати. Задржавамо право избора и краћења коментара који ће бити објављени. Коментаре који се односе на уређивачку политику можете послати на адресу webdesk@rts.rs. Поља обележена звездицом обавезно попуните.

четвртак, 24. октобар 2024.
13° C


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