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Mud On The Tires

The title "Mud On The Tires" is taken from a country song about a man who buys a truck, and then invites a girl to take a ride and get a little mud on the tires. 

The plot of this romantic comedy is set on two continents and is about a 60-year-old woman from Belgrade, Vesna, a former pianist, who goes to her son in California after her husband's death. Soon, with the help of her neighbor Patty, an expert on "Internet dating", she meets her peer Robert, who lives deep in the swamps of Louisiana. Love knows no bounds and that's where the plot begins. The title "Mud On The Tires" is taken from a country song about a man who buys a truck, and then invites a girl to take a ride and get a little mud on the tires. 


Genre: Romance/Comedy
Country of Production : Serbia
Original Title: Kaljave gume
Year od Production: 2021
Duration: 10 X 60 'HD
Cast: Gorica Popović, Kris Malki (Twin Peaks), Miki Krstović, Bojan Žirović, Jelena Stupljanin, Jovana Gavrilović, Goran Sultanović, Tanja Bošković, Olga Odanović, Branka Šelić , Aida Turturo (The Sopranos) Uroš Veljković and Danica Kostić
Screenplay by: Mia Ćertić
Directed by: Miodrag Ćertić and Raško Milatović


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четвртак, 30. мај 2024.
18° C


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