Читај ми!


The subject of the series is a story of two characters with the same name - Kosta.

They fight in different ways and each in their own world for survival in a system in which family, social and cultural values are completely destroyed.
While Kosta Govoruša, a refugee from Krajina, is trying to survive with his sister Kristina by painting walls, Kosta Gajić is peacefully building a career in the beautiful company of his wife Zorica, otherwise the director of a marketing agency.

Genre: Drama
Country of Production : Serbia
Original Title: Kosti
Year of production : 2020
Duration: 10x45' HD
Cast: Jovo Maksić, Ljubiša Savanović, Dragan Mićanović, Aleksandar Đurica, Boris Isaković, Milica Janevski, Nikola Pejaković, Nikola Rakočević, Dejan Aćimović, Lea Sekulić i Nikolina Friganović.
Screenplay by: Petar Mihajlović and Miloš Avramović
Directed by: Miloš Avramović

недеља, 02. јун 2024.
24° C


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